Moi! Sorry for not being as active as I used to be on here, but with the second wave of Covid hitting Finland in the last few months of my exchange, my motivation kind of went out the window. I’m currently in my two weeks of quarantine back in Australia and thought that with all… Read more »

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Syksy – Autumn
Hei kaikki! Long time no see. Sorry I haven’t been active lately but I’ve just been busy with school and life. A few things have happened in the last few months that I thought I would share with you all. After the long summer holidays, we were able to return back to school in person… Read more »
Heinäkuu – July
Moi! I am officially well and truly more than half way through my exchange and it’s insane to think that this time last year I was told I was going to Finland. I remember how unsure I was about everything and if I even wanted to go on exchange. Looking back on it all, I… Read more »
Kesäkuu (June)
Moi kaikkille! Welcome back to another blog post 🙂 I’m already half way through my exchange and I can’t believe how fast it has gone! June was honestly one of the best months yet because the weather was so nice and I got to see more of my friends as well as spending time at… Read more »
Toukokuu (May)
Tervetuloa takaisin to another blog! It is now June and the country is starting to open back and I’m officially on summer holidays till August! Last month was a bit more eventful than just going on walks and trips to the grocery store. *knock on wood* but I feel like my exchange is finally starting… Read more »
Huhtikuu (April)
Moi! I hope everyone has made it this far into self isolation without losing their minds. Here’s another blog post for you to read. The past month has been a bit of a roller coaster of emotions. We started it off with a good old long chat with Mumasaki. After expressing my many feelings on… Read more »
Maalisku (March)
It’s been just over two months since being in this amazing country and what a time to be on exchange! Here is a recap of what life has been like over the past month: At the start of the month, I gave my presentation to my host club, Espoo Rotary. I told them some facts… Read more »
One month already!
Moi! It has already been a month since I arrived in this beautiful country and I cannot believe how fast time has flown. Days are slowly but surely getting lighter. There still hasn’t been much snow which is very weird and unusual for Finland because normally at this time of the year it is meant… Read more »
First week in Finland
Moi! Welcome to my first blog post here in Finland, I will hopefully be uploading on here once a month so stay tuned Sydney to Helsinki Sydney to Singapore was a pretty boring flight. It was mainly just watching movies, bowling, trivia and seeing what new reason Katie had for calling the flight attendant again…. Read more »
One more week!
There is only one more week till I leave for Finland and I have never felt such a mixture of emotions. In the last few days I have been doing some last minute shopping for things like thermals, toiletries and clothes for school. Having no uniform seemed a lot more fun when I was younger…… Read more »